If you were to ask me in high school (or even as a freshman in college) what I do for a workout, I would simply answer with, “I run”. If were to also
There are many good running backs in the Big Ten in 2016, but who is the best? Think about it for a moment, then read what a a handful of Big Ten writers
Hiatus: over. Quick summer recap: This summer I was able to intern at a radio station in my college town which was an amazing experience!
I will never understand how fast time flies because when did it turn May?? (Sighs). Butttt, I have racked up some of my most coveted foundations for you
For many college students, spring break means two things: booze and inactivity. This mixture can put a dent in your healthy lifestyle plans and set you
To me, New Year’s resolutions seem forced and trivial. Personally, if I feel like I need to make a change in my life, I don’t wait until New Year’s to do so.
I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a huge thanks for all the support and love from this year! It has been amazing being able to spend
Plan ahead Don’t wait until the last minute to turn in any essays you may have or wait until the day before to see if you have all the stuff you need to study.
When I was younger, I would always hear the saying, “You are what you eat”. As a child, my mom would always joke around and say stuff like, “You’re going
As much as I love the slutty cat costumes and the cliché “angel and devil” sorority-girl ensemble, Halloween can quickly become expensive with all the