My Favorite Healthy Recipes


It’s much easier these days to come up with healthy meals when there are so many posts on social media with mini food recipes and tutorials. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the concept that moderation is key. Restricting yourself to only certain types of food and not allowing yourself to eat foods that many consider “cheat meals” will only make your journey harder. When I was extremely underweight and over-working myself by spending hours and hours at the gym, I completely cut myself off from any foods that contained a decent amount of fat and I lived off of a very restricted diet. I did not enjoy food and in my mind I thought that food was simply for energy and it was not something that should be enjoyed. This unhealthy relationship with food made it hard for me to truly enjoy a variety of foods for a long time. Thankfully, I have learnt a few tips and tricks along the way that have helped me to incorporate a plethora of foods that are nutrient dense, with fewer calories and more flavor. All of these recipes are my favorite, go-to meals that are easy to swap out with different ingredients based on personal preference. Also, if you are wanting to see the recipe for each meal you can simply click on the image! ANDDDD FOOD PORN IN 3…2…1


Fruit and Granola Parfait

This is one of my favorite meals to make when I am in a rush to class or work because you can literally make a parfait in so many ways and you can easily substitute different fruit and toppings. I like to add a little bit of peanut butter or honey in mine and some cinnamon!

Egg White, Avocado and Turkey-Bacon Sandwich

Protein Pancakes


Grilled Chicken Salad

Chicken Rice Bowl

Spaghetti Squash

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