For one of my most recent assignments in my visual communications class we had to go around campus and play around with our camera’s aperture and shutter speed.
Needless to say, I LOVE my school. Not only are there a plethora of activities going on every week, but I can be as nameless as a face in a crowd or as
Now that classes have officially started and stress levels are beginning to rise, the last thing on your mind should be how you are going to get food after class.
If someone were to ask me what my top 3 basic necessities every college student must know/have in order to be successful, I would undoubtedly reply with
Twelve boxes later and I am finally done packing! I am so happy to finally have a place to call my own and it feels so weird to think that I will be a
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As the summer heat continues to roll in, so does the sun’s damaging rays. Made not only as a staple for tying a look together, but also as an SPF-enhancing
What’s better than a peanut butter cookie? Peanut butter is one of my favorite things in the world and I honestly think I could eat a whole jar of it in a day…no joke.
Hey guys! So before you brush this off as a scam or a “no-strings-attatched-but-I-have-to-sell-my-soul-for-this” post, hear me out. I recently heard about
Let me know what you all think! I hope you enjoy ???? Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in