Mackenzie salmon
The start of spring break means a lot more than just a week of dartys and questionable decisions. Even if you’re staying on campus or visiting home
It’s much easier these days to come up with healthy meals when there are so many posts on social media with mini food recipes and tutorials.
*Rihanna voice* CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE Becca Highlighter I absolutely adore every product I have tried from Becca! You can tell that they value quality
After being on YouTube for over 6 years I haven’t made a 20 random facts about me video??! I apologize. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in
I am just going to throw it out there that I NEVER get sick. Literally, I have not had a cold since I was in high school. I like to credit much of my health
Ever since I was a child, Christmas has been one of my favorite holidays. Although nine times out of ten I get anxiety from all the hectic things going
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked what the must-have staples are that every college girl needs, I’d probably have enough to pay for half
For all the noble intentions we have in matters of health, success simply comes down to consistency. Good practices call for just that: practice.
If you were to ask me in high school (or even as a freshman in college) what I do for a workout, I would simply answer with, “I run”. If were to also
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Having a workout session at 6 am followed by class at 8 will really teach a girl how to perfect the “I’m-not-tired-looking-but-i’m-actually-dying-inside” look.